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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fighting for Family Harmony….. Against Legal Terrorism


Demands, Goals, Action Plan, Campaigns
1. To bring dowry act, DVA and other gender biased laws under civil laws.
To make 498a bailable.
To replace the word ‘husband’ or ‘wife’ with ’spouse’ in all related laws, so as to ensure equality in law for men & women.

1. Rational arguments to support our demands:
*Present treatment of dowry and cruelty under criminal laws is not effective. It is destroying the institution of marriage itself.
*Sending thousands including women and children to custody, even though almost everyone agrees that most complaints under 498a are false and 98% result in acquittal.
*Once husband/family have been arrested, the chances of reunion are very low. Thus, even if a complainant realizes her mistake and wants to return later, she usually cannot.
*498a is a potent weapon, which is often misused by women to wreak havoc on husband?s family and by police to make money.
*These laws have not served the purpose of protecting women, as because of a complaint by one irrational woman, several women in in-laws family are put to extreme suffering.
*It will reduce workload on the criminal courts and thus help in speedy trial for all. Government itself and various others are trying to achieve this.
*Protect our privacy by stopping intrusion of police in our homes/domestic affairs. Almost all civilized societies domestic disputes are covered by civil laws.
*Fear of arrest is biggest weapon in hands of police, which they often misuse to earn extra money.

Action Plan
*Political campaign
*Media campaign
*Judicial campaign


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